Toto, I don't think we're in Massachusetts anymore.
I'm surrounded by Democrats of every stripe and 15,000 (that's a factual statistic) members of the media. Gallons of stale coffee, metric tons of processed food, pancake makeup and red, white and blue.
Ah, American politics.
On this morning's weak attempt at a run across the great office parks and parking lots of this area, I searched high and low.
There are no gardens here. This is home for now.
WTF. . . I posted a long comment, and the computer made me log in, create an identity, choose a different one, log in again, and again, and again. . . . and now my post is gone (end of vent)
It went something like this:
Dear Dina, your blog is a de-light but not good for insommnia. Woke up middle of night, read it word-for-word backwards and forwards. You are a very witty writer. the image of your hotel room makes me miss you keenly and love you dearly.
(It got a lot shorter and less flowery in the rewite!)
Thank you, mommee. I love you.
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