August 26, 2008

Land use planning

A+ . I can think of no better use for all this space.

I wonder how my seedlings are doing at home. Right now is a particularily vulnerable time for them. Some varmint (what a cool word, varmint) lines up the the salad bar that is my garden every time the seedlings start to poke their heads through the dirt. On a given evening, I bid goodnight to the orderly rows of yawning green shoots, and morning light reveals gaping holes and ugly tear made by, you guessed it -- a varmint.

I think it's our resident skunk who is afraid of nothing, especially not car horns or my anti-skunk songs.

So when I left for, er, wherever I am, the radishes looked like this:

And my lettuce looked like this:

Now, I'm thinking it looks more like this:

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