Today, though I'm not in pain or in a hospital or even hurt, I'm facing a spell devoid of gardens or greenery or even spiders. So I've been engaging my imagination in Chicken Fantasy Land, and I invite you to help me in this distraction.
So, come March, which chick should I pick?
This is a handy tool I found on
So far, this is my favorite.

It's Mark from south west Virginia...I like your blog...very nice pictures. I saw this stealth chicken tractor design and thought of your set up and how it might decrease the chance of negihbors hens get loud when they lay an egg.
Not sure if I would fork out that much cash for the kit....but it should be easy to replicate.
Thanks again for the entertaining words and pictures....I'm in the process of being countryfied by my new girlfriend and find reading about others experience's seems to ease my transition from the big city.
The south west Virginia mystery has ended. I am so happy to e-meet you. Thank you for reading my blog! This is such a new (and sort of strange) thing for me, so knowing that someone is "out there" really helps.
About the Henspa - eggactly, or so the corny joke goes. My mother actually forwarded me this website before, and I wrote it off because of the price (!) of their elegant contraptions. The one you forwarded, however, has real merit and isn't outrageously expensive.
I saw that they are offering a $100 price break if you're willing to supply photos and a narrative. I think I can do that...
Anyway, hello, welcome, and thank you for being here! I'm so glad you're joining the conversation, and I look forward to hearing whatever you have to add.
Send a picture of you hens!
(I'd make noise if I laid and egg, too)
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