One of the many benefits of being married to a former home builder is that I can say things like, "gee, I wish my vegetables had cute little houses to protect them from the frost," and - viola! - I come home to discover exactly that. Two cute little houses to protect my tender plants from the encroaching winter.

To prepare my garden for these boxes, and for last night's frost, I had to pull up the red pepper plants and hang them to dry in the garage.

And then we moved the frames onto the gardens in front:

Today, there's much to do:
- harvest basil
- harvest coriander
- harvest carrots
- turn compost and enrich beds
- rip up squash vines
- rip up tomatoes
- "top" brussel sprouts (cutting off the top to encourage bud maturation)
- plant garlic
I'll check back in later with updates and pictures. Enjoy the beautiful fall day!
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