Ahem, cold frames rock.

Those would be the first sprouts of 2009. Hello, Arugula. Amazing!
Oh, and the squirrels were digging frustrated holes all over the lawn to day, but - heh, heh, heh - they can't get to the tender shoots just inches from their greedy little snouts. Cold frames are squirrel proof!
Specimen 2:

That's the rainbow chard that overwintered and I nearly pulled up last weekend. It's going gangbusters! So's the other chard:

I've not yet managed to get my chard to 'take,' though I've heard people boast about how, once established, you can't get the stuff to stop growing. So I'm super optimistic that soon, I won't have to buy $4 bunches of the stuff at Whole Foods.
And lookie:

Those are the chives that overwintered. I pointed out in my
video that they were coming back from the dead a few weeks back. And now look at them! Soon, I'll make more
grass cookies.
Just had to share! Spring has sprung!
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