January 8, 2009

Winter vs. "two but's" (part 1.7 of 2)

Back to business.

So as I was saying, the plants in the coldframes? Not dead. In fact, they're startlingly alive considering how brown the landscape is around here.

I dusted the snow off one window, took it off and braced myself for the pile of ex-plants inside. Instead, this:
(turnips and an occasional radish)

And this:
(lettuce and chard)

And this!(baby turnips!)

Of course, the lettuce has pretty well checked out. That's fine with me, though, because I was never a huge fan of the variety I planted anyway. Too limp and wussy.

And the garlic - it continues to try to sprout through the 6 inches of compost I piled on top of the original sprouts.
I nervously went back and re-read the planting instructions for German Extra Hardy organic garlic. Indeed, I planted it none-too early (October 25), and the instructions warned me that the cloves would try to sprout before winter and advised to pile on the compost or mulch. But it's January, and they're still poking through? All in the name of experimentation.

Oh, yeah! I pulled up a couple turnips to prove to myself that there's action going on below ground too.They're small, but tasty. I put them in soup.

And did I mention that it's freezing outside? I bring this up only to brag about my new outfit, courtesy of my mom. She custom embroidered a very warm pair of cover-alls for me for Christmas. Though not flattering (won't be wearing these to any cocktail parties), they are WARM. Plus there's a chicken.
They're lined. In hot pink.Just what every city-farmgirl needs. Thanks mom!

Now to the "part 2" portion of "Winter vs. 'two but's".

The mailman cometh. And he bringeth - garden porn.
The seed catalog.

Not to be a major tease here, but I have to go to work - again. So though I have pages of notes for this next post ready to go, it will have to wait - again.

Back soon!


Mike Saunders said...

Fantastic blog! Please let us know how the cold frames performed during the recent cold snap. I've got fingers crossed that your combo of compost and an insulating blanket of snow carried you through. I'm considering putting up a couple in early spring to get a head start on the season, but I'd love to get year-round use out of them.

Dina said...

Unbelievable! Hi, Mike. I'm sorry - just can't get over my shock that anyone is still reading my blog in the dead of winter when my posts are so few and far between. You made my day! I have a half-written update, but its completion has taken a back seat to work and my new hobby - pottery.

As soon as I find enough clothes to go outside, I will check on the plants, but my guess is that they are finally ex-plants. The garlic is probably fine, or only half-dead, but the greens - well, I'm not holding my breath. But rest assured - I will dedicate the next update to you. :)

Thanks again for making my day, and stay warm.
