It is Sunday. I sit here with my coffee.

House guests left yesterday. Before that, New Years, and with it, a large, fun, messy party. Before that, Mom's visit for 8 days, during which was Christmas.

And before that, I stated in a whining post that it was cold outside.
It is still cold outside, it is still that season where nothing grows and everything is asleep.
But . . . well, two "but's" . . .
Number one but: Something is growing. Inexplicably, slowly, but very certainly, the plants in the coldframes are actively growing. When we left for Ireland in mid-December, I had saluted the coldframes as we walked out the door, thanking them for our late-late crops of lettuce, radishes and turnips. Since our return, Boston has been pummeled by winter storms and arctic cold. On a walk the other night, both my coat, made moist by breath, and my eyelashes froze.
So yesterday, after our final guest took to the road, I grabbed a broom and a camera to investigate how dead everything was.
Here's a peek:

- but I have to go to work right now. So the big "reveal" as well as the second "but" will have to wait a day.
Be warm, and Happy New Year!
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