You all know what that means, boys and girls. The girls have arrived!!!!!
I've been talking about getting these girls for a long, long time now, and our chicken dreams are finally becoming a reality. Yesterday, Erik and I picked up our 6 adorable Buff Orpington chicks from the Waltham Agway. We're having a difficult time doing anything but stare at them, but I've peeled myself from their brooder long enough to type these few words and post this video.
A little info about the breed. Buff Orpingtons are known to be the Labrador Retrievers of chickens. They're big, golden brown, affable and tame. They're considered to be a dual-purpose breed; that is, they are useful as laying chickens and as, ahem, dinner. We'll see what the future holds, but Erik and I have a feeling that this may lead us even further down the 'vegetarian' pathway.

For now, we're transfixed.
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