Last year, as you can see by looking back at some of my old posts, my adventures in growing carrots proved me to be a miserable failure. None - NOT ONE - of my many dozens of carrots of the 4 different crops of carrots topped an inch in length. And the ones that managed to take carrot-ish form were eaten through by ants.
Pitiful, right?
So this year, I tried a new approach: plant carrots that are supposed to be short and stubby so I can claim victory no matter what. Meet the Danvers Carrot.
The other morning, I started the day in my favorite way - coffee, husband, garden tour with the sunrise.
We wandered over to the front gardens to see what we could see.
(That's Erik, seeing all that he can see.)
And Hark! I spotted something!
A mature carrot?!
So I tugged and tugged and came to an instant conclusion:
- that I didn't have to tug very hard. Not a good sign.